Be on guard against the latest scams
We encourage you to be vigilant in protecting your personal information. Review information about the latest scams on our Fraud Alert Center and report suspected fraudulent activity to us immediately.
Call 888.671.0400 to be connected to fraud protection services 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Don't take the bait
Phishing scams may try to convince you otherwise, but Capital City Bank will never call, e-mail or text you to ask for sensitive information such as login credentials, account numbers, Social Security numbers or Secure Access Codes.
Protect your account with a strong password
Turn a memorable sentence into an acronym to make your password stand stronger against fraud.
Enable Online Banking Account Alerts
Don't miss important changes in your account. Elect to receive text or e-mail alerts when "watched" activity occurs - like your password is changed or an invalid log in is attempted.
When logged in, go to Menu > Settings > Alerts.